Hello again my lovely follower!
I'm sorry again for the lack of posts, but I should get back to normal soon.... I hope >.
Now I'm writting you from Portugal, I'm back home now :D, finally eating proper food :P
Last week was crazy bananas, I though it would be calmer, so I could enjoy a last week in Prague, when the weather was actually GOOD and sunny, but in the end was hard, between the packing, and doing some stuff for the Da Vinci programme, and closing my bank account, and partying hard on Friday Night - uuuuhhhh it was nice - but more about that later on.... gotta catch up with my Prague´s Resumes ssssssss aahhhhhh >.<
Anyways, my journey on Sunday evening to Portugal in overall went pretty well. I actually had extra luggage, and I asked the guy about this thing that TAP airline has for Erasmus students that can bring extra kilos, and not pay for it, I wasn't sure if it was still valid or not, I had a document saying that I was an Erasmus student, although was in Portuguese (the guy didn't speak portuguese).... but in the end I didn´t pay extra for nothing :O :D. My flight was one hour delayed, so I basically just arrived in Lisbon, Portugal, at midnight. My mom and my cousin came to pick me up, we went home, my dad was still awake lol, and after an hour or so I had to go to sleep, I was DEAD!
You know what's worse than packing? ...... UNPACKING! Now I'm doing that, and realizing I have too much shiz!.... My wardrobe is about to explode. So other than just put the clothes back in there, I'm taking some time and analizing the clothes, basically checking things that I don´t use, and put them apart, either to throw them away, or give it to someone else.... It´s time to refresh my wardrobe... if I don´t use it, why the hell keep it? I have big problems with letting go of stuff, so baby steps. I did a bit with the clothes and even some old make-up, other than that is hard lol. I'm hoping that they manage to fix the damn loft/attic in my building, so I can move some stuff upstairs, like for example, travelling bags, yeah we are full of them, and that stuff takes up space, even if we put one inside another insinde another inside another lol.
Okei then, I will go back to the unpacking stuff, and then hopefully tomorrow I can do a post about my August shopping, which I didn't managed to so far, and replied to your comments!!!