Showing posts with label Do It Yourself. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Do It Yourself. Show all posts



EN: Hello everyone! Just a quick post to let you know about my next D.I.Y. "project". 
Thanks to Akuma Kanji I found these "pins" at a local Chinese shop. Now I call them pins because I think they are meant to be used with paper or something, basically this is office stuff. So I bought two packs and in total I have 38 of them. I'm not sure what am I'm gonna do with them, initially I wanted to put them on my upper back but then realized I would need to buy like four more packs... huummm nah. So I'm either putting on my shoulders or on my collar. Opinions?
Huummm I will decide later, at the moment I have to wash this jacket first, I haven't used it in yeeaaarrssss he is 10 years old. TEN.
I will keep you updated. Would you like to see a video of me doing this D.I.Y. "project"?

PT: Olá a todos! Apenas um post breve para vos avisar do meu próximo "projecto" D.I.Y. - Faça Você Mesmo.
Graças à Akuma Kanji, encontrei estes "pins" numa loja dos chineses. Agora eu chamo isto de pins porque eu não acho que isto seja para roupa, isto é para ser usado em cenas de papel ou sei lá... opah são cenas para o escritório. Comprei duas caixas, no total tenho 38 pins. Ainda não sei aonde irei colocar, inicialmente iria pôr nas minhas costas, na parte de cima, mas ao fazer contas percebi que iria ter de comprar práí mais umas 4 caixas pelo menos... hhuummm nah. 
Por isso devo pôr isto nos ombros ou no colarinho. Opiniões?
Huummm irei decidir depois porque agora este casaco de ganga está para ser lavado, eu já não o uso à aaannooosss, ele tem 10 anos. DEZ!
Eu depois farei um posto sobre o assunto de como isto correu, mas por acaso gostariam de ver este "projecto" em vídeo?

This picture was taken and belongs to Me/Karen U..


D.I.Y. #2 When a Paper Towel stand becomes a Bracelet Holder


Yeah that's right, you read it right! So basically Pinterest is AWESOME! Have I ever told you how much I love Pinterest? I think I have!
So I have this board named How to organize/ideas on Pinterest and I love collecting pictures, whether to transform something, or how to do something, etc... One time I saw this picture here, which is basically like a Kitchen/Toilet Paper Towel stand and someone put a bunch of bracelet on it. BRILLIANT!
So the other day I was at a Chinese shop with my mother, spotted a metallic Kitchen Towel stand and decided to buy it.

 As soon as I arrived home over course I took all of my bracelets out of the boxes and OMG .... I have so many bracelets I never thought about it >.<

And I managed to fit about 90% of my Bracelets on there, some of them still have to live in boxes, but it's okay.
So what do you think about it?

These  pictures were taken and belong to Me/Karen U..


D.I.Y #1 When Jeans become Shorts and get ripped

Hello everyone, today I bring you my first D.I.Y (Do It Yourself). This one is pretty easy though, from jeans to shorts, plus rip them.

But first just let me tell you that now I have a G Plus page and a Facebook page for my Blog, you can follow me there if you wish :).
Okay back to the D.I.Y.
What will you need:
-A pair of Jeans

So you start off with a pair of jeans, I pick these ones from Bershka, they are probably 5/6 years old, one of my favourite jeans, since in a way they have sentimental value for me (lol), but didn't look good on me anymore, I decided to cut them.
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