Showing posts with label Blog. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blog. Show all posts


New Blog Banner

New logo 2014

EN: You may or may not have noticed but I changed my Blog Banner... again... XD. As usual I was bored one day/night and decided to change it.
What do you guys think about it? I might have to do it again and make it bit smaller. Now if anybody could point me to a website that makes those little social network icons-links (Twitter, Facebook, etc...) that would be aawweesssoommee!

 PT: Talvez já tenham notado ou não mas eu mudei o Banner do meu Blog... outra vez... XD. Como sempre não tinha mais nada que fazer, estava aborrecida e decidi mudar.
O que acham? Eu talvez tenha de voltar a fazer mas um pouco mais pequeno. Agora se alguem souber daqueles websites que deem para fazer aqueles pequenos ícones-links para redes sociais (Twitter., Facebook, etc...) isso seria oooooooooptimo!

The Banner was created by Me/Karen U.


New Blog Banner

Openng My Mind_Capture

EN: Hello Bananas!
So the other day I was eeeexxxtreeeemely bored so I decided to play around with those free "photoshop" websites and edit a photo of mine plus create a new Blog Banner.
It's a bit hard (for me) to match the type of font that Blogger offers you with other fonts that those "photoshop" website have. A few months ago I changed the title font of the posts (and the dates, subtitles, etc) and the other day I realized "wait a minute this doesn't match" - referring to my previous banner -, so luckly I found a font at that kinda matched with what was going on, on my Blog already.
In the mean time, I took a photo of mine and edited and now it's like multi-coloured.
So what do you think about it?

PT: Olá Bananas!
Bem no outro dia estava mega aborrecida sem nada para fazer e então resolvi fazer um novo Banner para o meu Blog e editar uma foto com aqueles websites com "photoshop" gratuito.
É um pouco complicado (para mim) combinar o tipo de fonte que o Blogger proporciona com fontes daqueles websites de "photoshop" tem. À uns meses atrás eu mudei a fonte dos títulos dos posts (e datas, legendas e afins) mas no outro dia reparei que "pera aí, isto não combina nada" - isto com o banner que tinha anteriormente -, por sorte encontrei uma fonte no  que era um pouco parecida com a que tinha aqui no Blog.
Entretanto também decidi editar uma foto minha e ficou assim com um efeito multi-cores.
Gostam do novo Banner do Blog? 


This picture was taken and belongs to Me/Karen U..
The Banner was created by Me/Karen U.


Some people read the Newspaper in the morning... I read Blogs #5

EN: Hello Bananas! Today I will share with you some of the Fashion Blogs that I follow.

PT: Olá Bananas! Hoje irei partilhar convosco alguns Blogs de Moda que eu sigo.

Karla Deras from Karla's Closet, from what I know she lives in the USA.


Some people read the Newspaper in the morning... I read Blogs #3

EN: Hello Bananas! This is the third time I'm doing this type of post, last time some of you seemed to have liked it and didn't know some of the Bloggers that I mentioned. Let me know what you guys think about it.

PT: Olá Bananas! É  a terceira vez que faço um post deste género, da última vez algumas meninas gostaram até porque não conheciam algumas das Bloggers que tinha mencionado. Digam-me se sempre curtem deste tipo de posts.


Some people read the Newspaper in the morning... I read Blogs #2

Hello Bananas! I haven't done one of these in ages, since last year to be exactly, you can read it [here]. I like reading Blogs (DUH) and everyday while I have my breakfast I like to catch up. Now I follow maaany Blogs but there are a some that I like to keep up with on a daily basis :P. 

The woman behind 5 Inch and Up is Sandra, she is a Fashion Blogger originally from Finland but currently living in London U.K..


New Blog Banner

white cabeçalho_2
Old Banner
EN: Hello everyone! I don't know if you noticed, but there has been some changes on my Blog. The most obvious one is the Banner. 
With the help of Google I found the Skull and then using PicMonkey I created the letters and then with Paint I did some cutting. Then I did some changes on the Blog's Layout - the background is still white, because I think it's the best - and the letters fount and colours and voilá. 
So guys, what do you think? Let me know if you are able to see the letters well.

PT: Olá a todos! Não sei se já notaram, mas houve algumas mudanças no meu Blog. A mais óbvia é o Banner. 
Com a ajuda  do Google encontrei a caveira e depois usei o PicMonkey para criar as letras e com o Paint fiz uns cortes para o Banner caber bem. Depois fiz algumas alterações no Layout do Blog - o fundo continua branco porque para mim é a melhor coisa - e no tipo e a côr da letra et voilá.
Então o que acham? Digam se conseguem perceber bem as letras principalmente nos textos longos.


One Lovely Blog Award + The Versatile Blogger Stamp/Award

Hello everyone, last month I got two other stamps, this time from Fairy Ana. Thank you very much Ana :). One of them I already received, that was The Versatile Blogger - so I already done that one here - but the new one is the One Lovely Blog Award!
The rules for the One Lovely Blog Award are more or else the same as The Versatile Blogger, you share 7 things about yourself and then pass the award over to other 10 Bloggers. So here it goes:

1- I'm mixed raced. Portuguese, Mozambican, Indian (as in from India) and possibly a bit of Arab.

2- I have an obsessive love with almost anything that has a Skull on it - jewelry, clothes, bags etc...

3- I only been to the Dentist once in my life... Let's see if I can go to one here in London, although I was told it might be expensive...

4- I watch Will & Grace waayyyy to many times. It's coming to a point that I'm memorizing quotes lol, just the little ones.

5- I don't like much Horror movies. If I do watch it, it has to be with someone else and I have to be talking to that person. I can't watch a Horror movie in full silence >.<.

6- I have a problem with letting go of stuff, whether they are stuff or clothes. My mom is always doing threats that one day she will throw out my stuff :X.

7- I don't know how to properly swim. It's a lost case... I quit.

I will pass the One Lovely Blog Award to



The Versatile Blogger Stamp/Award

This is my first Stamp/Award. I received it from Akuma Kanji in the beginning of January, the reason why it took so long for me to talk about it is because I have to tell you 7 facts about me and then select 15 Blogs that don't have this Stamp/Award already and also would care about it...

So first the facts....-_-


Some Blog changes

Don't worry is nothing too serious. ;P Just to let you know in the next days if you come to visit my Blog and you see that is looking weird, it's because I'll be doing some changes over here - if I find anything that fits my Blog.
In the end if I'm not pleased with anything, I might just come back to this grey and blue layout.
See ya!



100 Followers (102)

Hello everyone, first of all I would like to say welcome to the new Followers, hope you will enjoy your time here. Also I reached the 100 Followers yeeaahhh! And soon my Blog will be 4 years old :P.

Fun Facts, on one of my previous posts entitled "Some people read the Newspaper in the morning... I read Blogs" besides some of the Blogs that I follows commented on it like, Nádia from My Fashion Insider, Joana from Sketchbook Six, and Plami from Plum's book of tales and yummies .... also Anjelica from MODE JUNKIE also commented, I was like :O WOW! I never in a million years wouldn't think that she would end up here on my Blog, plus comment on it, I was really suprised.



Some people read the Newspaper in the morning... I read Blogs

Whenever I have a day off, or I have an afternoon shift (so I have a bit of free time in the morning), I read a couple of Blogs! Some of them are...
Style Scrapbook
Andy from Style Scrapbook - Personal, Fashion Blog


Quick post! #1

Hello everyone!
First of all I would like to thank for all the comments. I will reply as soons as I can.
And I would like to say welcome to my new blog followers. Hope that you enjoy your time over here, visit it when you can, leave a comment if you feel like it :).
This as been so far a very exhausting week at work, these 3 last days I had different shifts schedules. Jobs in which you have crazy bananas shifts, for my point of viewr, are only good if you are young, and still trying to get a work experience, if you are a part-timer (like study and work), or you have 2 jobs and you want to have 2 incomes on the end of the month, other than this, I can't handle this very well. After doing this type of Call-Center Service, I do not wish to do this again, unless I don't have another option, of course.


Does Lauren Conrad has a Youtube Channel?

Hi yall.
The other day I was checking someone else blog, and she was doing  apost about hair styles, and the video was "Ballerina Bun" (FYI I don't get it why does she has to curl her hair in order to do this, anyways....), on that video is not Lauren, but if you go to the main Channel Beautydept was created on the 24th of April 2011, you will see images on the backround of Lauren, and at least 3 videos with her, one of them "Lauren's Every Day Waves".


Blogger is Growing...

I created my Blogger in 2007 but only in 2010 I started doing more posts. Who new that Blogger would become so popular, and that some people actually live of their Blog, due to the things that they post and talk about on their Blogs.

Where's a couple of videos of what can tou expect from Blogger in 2011.
For more info go to Blogger Buzz or to Blogger's Blog.


Bloglovin' Awards 2011

Hi again!
I don't if all of you know Bloglovin', but they nomated the best Blogs of 2010, and is up to us Bloggers to vote! Go and Vote for your favourite Blogger of 2010.
The winners will be announced on the 13th of February 2011 at New York Fashion Week.


Clean up.... Part.II + Discovery

Yesterday I decided to unfollow some Blogs, which I did. But I didn't finish reviewing my list >,<.
As I unfollowed like maybe a duzen of Blogs, I started following 2 new ones :P, out with the old, in with the new.
Both os this Blogs are from portuguese people, one is from a girl Ivânia Santos, Ivania Diamond, and the other one is from a boy Rúben Santos, Rúben Santos Couture.
I discovered Ivânia, while I was writting a comment on Birds On A Wire Blog, cause she also left a comment over there, and I decided to check her Blog. And to my surprise what do I discover on her Blog? That apparently she's organising a Bloggers gathering for the 20th of February here in Portugal, my reaction was like "YEAAAAHH", and a split second after I saw the date and location and  was like "Nnnoooooo" :(, I won't be in Portugal by then, and also the meeting is in Braga, which is in the North of Portugal, and I live kinda in the center towards the South of the country :/ oh well, I hope that the event is sucessful, and that they make many others like these in other cities. If you are from Portugal and if you are interested in going, check Ivânia's Blog for this subject for more info (click here).
Rúben's Blog I discovered when I went to his Facebook page, and saw that he recently created a Blog, so I went to check it out, and it's cool. Both Blogs, focus mostly on Fashion, and some personal details about their lives, among other things.
Go check them out if you want :p



Clean up....

I'm following at the moment like 130 Blogs o_O, and I realised that some of those Blogs haven't been updated in a looong looong time, or they write/talk about things that I don't really fancy anymore >.< sssoooo I'm gonna un-follow some of them... :/ and discover new ones :D .


100th post...

This is my 100th post, yyeaaaaii :p
I created this blog in 2007, uufff 3 years have passed damn... so I decided to change my Blog's layout, and Music Playlist, New Year... New Look. Soooo do you like it? Sí, no?
Also want to thank my susbscribers, even though there aren't many, you are all dear to me ^^. And Thank you for the support.
I have alot to post on the next few days ^^, stay tooned :p


Testing Testing 1,2,3....

I've been test-driving this new thing with the thing on Blogger to have a new layout on my Blog. So far I like it, but I confess Im not good with decoration :/ meh
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