
Chocolate hhummm nham nham

I like chocolate, I do admit that when I was a child I use to eat a lot more, then I was told that chocolate can provoke acne, and when I was a teenager, I use to have a lot of acne, specially on my nose area. So for a while I barley ate chocolate or any type of sweets, sometimes I would like “forget” that bubble gum existed XD.
Anyways, when I was in the U.K. my cousin gave me a Bounty chocolate, that I notice that the packaging was different, instead of blue was red. That was because this red Bounty was made with dark/black chocolate and it was sssooooooo gggoooooodddd :P and it suck that they don’t have it in Portugal :( (at least that I know of).

Blue Bounty = is with normal chocolate
Red Bounty = is with dark chocolate

When I was almost leaving the U.K. my mother asked me for a chocolate that has mint in it that she didn’t knew the name of it correctly. I was like “Wwhaaattt o_O, isn’t that After Eight mom?”. But no it wasn’t, it was Aero, well I knew that in Portugal we have Aero chocolate, but I guess we don’t have the mint version - which by the way I didn’t knew that existed, and my mother knew about it, because her work colleague was given some of those Aero mint chocolates by a friend that was in the U.K.-, anyways, I bought like 8 of those Aero mints for my mom, and she shared some of it with her colleague. Honestly I tried it I didn’t like that much, meh.

Peppermint Aero

Yesterday while surfing the web I came across with this imagine of a Limited edition of Coconut M&M’s, I googled about it and also discovered that there was aswell like a Special edition of Strawberried Peanut Butter M&M’s (IT’S PEANUT BUTTER JELLY TIME! IT’S PEANUT BUTTER JELLY TIME!), huuummmm I wish I could try them >.<

Special Edition od Strawberried Peanut Butter M&M's
Limited Edition of Cococnut M&M's

A different packaging for Stawberried Peanut Butter M&M’s featuring Transformers lol

Why don't we have this in Portugal? :(


  1. Foda-se, só a Merdugal é que não chegam dessas merdas, porque de resto temos tudo o que é estúpido! Temos o Magalhães, temos o Sócrates, temos a roubalheira que temos ao zé povinho, mas chocolates e doces desse género viste-os!
    A minha tia uma vez trouxe-me um Aero desses (ya, só UM T^T) e também me costumava trazer uns outros chocolatinhos individuais que pareciam medalhões... eram redondinhos, tipo medalhão, uma mistura de chocolate preto e de leite com pedacinhos de menta. Embrulhados em prata dourada! Geniais... vou pesquisar a ver se encontro ;)

  2. Olha se soubesse que gostavas desse Aero peppermint tinha trazido alguns para ti.
    Eu não sei porquê Portugal não tem destas variedades.
    Tipo na frança tambem existiu Coca-Cola de Vanilla e outra de Cereja. E as Lays (Walkers no Reino Unido) no R.U. têm sabores que aqui não temos. No entanto nós temos Ruffles e eles não :P (pelo menos nunca vi).


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