
Is time to PACK!

Here I go again! In just like 2 days and a half I will be flying early in the morning to London >.<.
God I still can't believe it's happening, and still I have so much shiz to do. I haven't been able to Blog as much as I wanted for this year so far, but I really been busy, going here and there to buy stuff, take care of other stuff before I leave, and now I have to start packing.
I'm not a light traveler, I'm defo one of those people that when they travel they take their house behind haha -_-.
You would assume that with all the travelling I've been doing for the last 3 years I would have the type of situation dominated LIKE A BOSS, but not quite.
This week I "discovered" two like beauty Youtubers/Bloggers from the U.K., and as I watched their hauls videos of clothes and makeup I started thinking.... "huummm I don't need to take all my handbags, much makeup, many this and that, 'cause I won't control myself and I'm defo gonna SHOP over there muuuhahaha". So by watching their video it made me rethink what I'm going to take with me to London.
Okei, of I go now, to continue with the packing, tomorrow I have to run some more errands >.< uuuff!


These pictures were found at We Heart It.


  1. Então, o que é que se passou com escrever em português?

  2. Ah, boa sorte com as malas e com a viagem! Que tudo corra bem e que faças muitas comprinhas!! =D

  3. Simmm tu a menina das meias giras!

    Peço desde já pela demora para responder ao comentário que deixaste no blog, de certeza que já nem se lembra.. mas obrigada :)

    leva-me contigo xD

  4. haha how cool is that?
    London is waiting for u, cold as itself.

    Thank u for the comment of my bday! :)


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