
My Bday (2011)

It has come and it has gone ... the so called Birthday.
Woke up in the early morning, and I discovered in the kitchen a little surprise gift from my housemate Aya, a bottle with chocolates, a rose, and a little card ^^ yeahi.
I spent my morning pampering myself :P and then in the evening I meet up with my friend Zuzana at her place, to catch up, and then we went to dinner at a nice place called Luka Lu, a Serbian restaurant, plus with her sister Eva and her (Eva’s) boyfriend Michael.
In a way it was kinda of a triple Bday celebration. My bday was on the 18th, Zuzana’s on the 17th, and Michael’s on the 12th of April, hehe. 

Aya's gift

 Me and Zuzana

 Peppers stuffed with cheese

 Michael and Eva

 Penne Pasta with Chicken

Yes those pieces of furniture are attached to the ceiling

It was a lovely evening. 
Thank you for all the Birthday wishes, here on Blogger, about a 100 on Facebook :P and my parents on Messenger haha... ooohh my Mom is so sweet, on my own Bday (we were video chating) she tells me that it looks like a gain weight... Thanks Mom thanks... like it wasn't bad enough that I was turning 25 you tell me that I look chubby MacChubby >.< lol


  1. Olá! Quero dar-te os parabéns (atrasados mas com a melhor das intenções) e desejar que esse dia se repita por muitos e longos anos e que estejamos por aqui a bloggar e tal...ehehehhe! A avaliar pelas fotos o dia do teu aniversário correu bem e foi divertido. O restaurante parece bem giro e a comida deliciosa!!!
    Beijinhos :)

  2. Happy b-day!

    Nice blog dear!
    im following. Hope you do the same :)

  3. ♥♥

    Giveaway in my blog !


  4. Hope you had a lovely birthday, great pics. xoxo

  5. Parabéns atrasados! Espero que tenhas tido um óptimo dia ;) uma boa páscoa tb!

    xoxo F.

  6. Late happy B-day!!! Looks like u had an awesome day ^_^ <3

  7. Great Community here. Keep up the good work people. Backlinks


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