
Going to the cinema alone

EN: Yesterday for the first time I went to the cinema alone. The reason for this was because I wanted to watch the new Thor movie and I had no company, either the people I know weren't interested or just bad timing. So I decided to go by myself. I mean how bad could it be?
Well let me tell you. So when I went to the cinema to buy my ticket the man said to me "Just one? Are you watching alone?", I said yes and then he asked "Why?", my reaction was like O_O WTF.... is it that bad to go to cinema alone??????? So I just told him "Well... my friends don't like this type of movies blah blah". 
Needless to say I left that place feeling weird and contemplating about live and if  people thinking that I'm some kind of loner :S. But then I thought F-THEM! I like spending time with my friends and family but I also enjoy my alone time.
Later when I entered the cinema room I was the only person in there but then again it was 15:20 on a Wednesday afternoon. But 10 minutes later 4 other people came in. They stayed in the middle of the room and I stayed aaalllll the way in the back right in the middle of the screen and it was the best seat ever.
Overall I didn't mind going to the cinema alone, it's not like anybody was gonna bite or something and I think I might be going more often by myself. It feels the same as I'm watching a movie at home but in this case on a bigger screen haha. The only thing is if something happens in the movie you can't really share a thought or make jokes with someone other than yourselves.
What about you? Have you ever went to the cinema alone?

I do not own the Copyrights of this picture. It was found via Google.


  1. That´s not bad alone..it takes a lot ot get over the first awkward minutes thinking people will notice but really I don´t see a problem with that. I still need to see Thor...


    1. Sure thing Jezz, it was a bit weird in the beginning but then I got over it pretty fast.
      Go see the movie go go go!

  2. nunca fui, mas também não deve ser dramático. Já te deve ter acontecido combinar algo com alguém e teres esperado por essa pessoa mais de uma hora. Pensa que ir ao cinema sozinha foi bem melhor do que essa espera.

    1. As weird as it sound, foi uma nova experiencia para mim. E certamente devo ir ao cinema outra vez sozinha.

  3. Eu fui ver o Beowulf all alone! E já tinha namorado na altura XDDD Também devia ser mais ou menos essa hora, 15:30, pouca gente na sala... mas até que foi nice :)

    1. Oh wow não sabia. Mas ya provavelmente voltarei ir ao cinema sozinha XD.


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